- Llull, Ramon,
Llull, Ramon, 1232?-1316 (Nombre personal)
- Lullus, Raimundus, 1232?-1316
- Lulle, Raymond, 1232?-1316
- Lull, Raymond, 1232?-1316
- Lully, Reymund, 1232?-1316
- Cabecera anterior: Llull, Ramón, d. 1315
- Lull, Ramón, 1232?-1316
- Lulio, Raimundo, 1232?-1316
- Lullo, Raimondo, 1232?-1316
- Llull, R. (Ramon), 1232?-1316
- Lully, Raymund, 1232?-1316
- Lull, Raimundo, 1232?-1316
- Lullus, Raymondus, 1232?-1316
- Lullius, Raymundus, 1232?-1316
URIs added to this record for the PCC URI MARC Pilot. Please do not remove or edit the URIs.
Encycl. of philo. (Lull, Ramón or Llull, Ramón, c. 1232-1316)
Raimundus Lullus, Opera Latina, 114-117, 1982: t.p. (Raimundus Lullus)
Libro dell'ordine della cavalleria, c1983: t.p. (Raimondo Lullo)
Traduzioni inedite da R. Llull e dal "Lazarillo," 1984: t.p. (R. Llull) p. v (Ramón Llull)
nuc89-100016: His Blanquerna, maestro de la periección ... [MI] 1929 (hdg. on NStBU rept.: Lull, Ramón, d. 1315; usage: Raimundo Lulio)
Pindl-Büchel, T. Ramon Lull und die Erkenntnislehre ... c1992: cover (1232-1316)
Diccionari biogràfic, 1968 (Llull, Ramon, b. Mallorca ca. 1232-1235, d. 1316, although for long thought to have d. in 1315)
Salvat català, 1968 (Llull, Ramon, ca. 1233-1315)
Letter from M.D. Johnston, 03-16-95 (Ramon Llull, 1232-1316)
Paracelsus. Of the chymical transmutation, the genealogy of metals & minters, 1657: t.p. (that famous philosopher Raymund Lully)
Homenage al beato Raimundo Lull en el sexto centenario de la fundacion del Colegio de Miramar, 1996.
Music of the troubadours [SR] p1999: container (Ramon Llull (ca. 1232-1315)) insert (Ramon Lull (Raymond Lull); b. ca. 1232, d. 1315; Catalan philosopher, theologian, poet, and mystic)
Grovemusic WWW site, June 3, 2002 (Llull, Ramon (Ramón) (Lull, Raymond; Lullus, Raymondus); b. ca. 1232, d. ca. 1316; Mallorcan theologian and mystic)
Adams, H. M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600 in Cambridge libraries, 1967 (Lullius, Raymundus)