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  • Garibaldi, Giuseppe,

Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 1807-1882 (Nombre personal)

Forma preferida: Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 1807-1882
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Gairī Vālḍī, 1807-1882
  • Garibalʹdi, Dzhuzeppe, 1807-1882
  • Garibaldi, Hovsēpʻ, 1807-1882
  • Garibalʹdi, Iosif, 1807-1882
  • Garibaldi, José, 1807-1882
  • Garibaldi, Yovsēpʻ, 1807-1882
  • גרבלדי, דז׳וזפו (יוסף)

Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.

Non-Latin script reference not evaluated.

Amaral, A.F. José Garibaldi, 1983: t.p. (José Garibaldi)

Um vulto italiano, 1925: p. 39 (José Garibaldi; b. in Niza, 07/22/1807)

Brazil A/Z, c1988: p. 350 (Garibaldi, Giuseppe, dito José; b. in Nice, 1807; d. in Caprera, 1882; Italian and Brazilian military hero; fought in the Farrapos War; with Cavour, defeated the Austrians in 1859)

Garibaldi, 1895: p. prec. t.p. (Hovsēpʻ Garibaldi)

BL S&C, 7 Aug. 2006 (Yovsēpʻ Garibaldi)

Iṭalī kā mahāna deśabhakta Gairī Vālḍī, 2006

Wikipedia, via WWW, April 10, 2013 (Giuseppe Garibaldi born July 4, 1807, died on June 2, 1882. He was an Italian general and politician)