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Irwin, William, 1970- (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- אירווין, וויליאם, 1970-
Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
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Seinfeld and philosophy, 1999: CIP t.p. (William Irwin) data sheet (b. Apr. 2, 1970)
Free Dakota , 2016: t.p. (William Irwin) page 4 of cover (he is Herve A. LeBlanc Distinguished Service Profesor and Chair of Philosophy at King's College (Pennsylvania); author of The free market existentialist; Intentionalist interpretation; Seinfeld and philosophy, The Simpsons and philosophy, and the Matrix and philosophy; Free Dakota is his first novel)
House of cards y la filosofía: la república de Underwood, 2017: title page (William Irwin) front flap (William Irwin es profesor en el King's College Pennsylvania)