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- Pineda G., Esther
Pineda G., Esther 1985- (Nombre personal)
Usado por/ver desde:
- Pineda, Esther (Pineda G.)
Roles de género y sexismo, c2011: t.p. (Esther Pineda G.) t.p. verso (CIP data: Pineda, Esther)
Racismo, endorracismo y resistencia, 2013: title page (Esther Pineda G.) cover page 4, etc. (born 1985 in Caracas; sociologist with a degree from the Universidad Central de Venezuela (2010); master's in women's studies (2012) and Ph.D. candidate in social sciencies, Universidad Central de Venezuela; author of Roles de género y sexismo; Afrovenezuelan; specialist in women's studies, ethnicity, feminism, esthetics, communication methods and music)