- Pineda Duque, Javier Armando
Pineda Duque, Javier Armando (Nombre personal)
- Duque, Javier Armando Pineda
- Pineda, Javier
Forero de Saade, M.T. Mujer trabajadora, 1991: t.p. (Javier Armando Pineda Duque) back flap (economist; former gov't. official in the Nat'l. Planning Dept. and the Planning Office of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security [Colombia])
El trabajo decente en Bogotá, noviembre de 2013: title page (Javier Pineda Duque)
Ciudades y regiones en el contexto contemporáneo, 2016: title page (Javier A. Pineda Duque) title page verso (Javier Pineda) cover front flap (economist with a degree from the Universidad del Valle; master's in economics, CIDE (Mexico); Ph.D. from the Geography Department of the University of Durham (England); former government official with the Departamento Nacional de Planeación; consultant formerly affiliated with PNUD, the ILO and IOM; professor affiliated with the Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre Desarrollo (Cider) of the Universidad de los Andes since 2005; specialist in local and regional economic development, the labor market as well as work and gender; currently the president of the Asociación Colombiana de Estudios Regionales y Urbanos (ASCER) of the Regional Science Association International (RSAI); list of publications available at jpineda.uniandes.edu.co/Publicaciones.html; jpineda@uniandes.edu.co)
Universidad de los Andes website, July 19, 2017: (Javier Armando Pineda Duque; author of El trabajo decente en Bogotá; lists works in English and Spanish) jpineda.uniandes.edu.co/Publicaciones.html